How Digital Access Transforms Property Management for Better Oversight and Control

Digital Access provides Property Managers with the tools they need to maintain an in-depth overview of the safety and security of their entire property portfolio. Here's how:

Digital Access has taken the real estate world by storm over the past decade and with good reason. Digital access solutions are designed with property managers in mind, intending to make your job easier and more convenient.

As a property manager, having an in-depth overview of your properties is vital for ensuring that your buildings and tenants are safe and secure. However, for many property managers, achieving this level of insight is still a challenge. Legacy access systems make it difficult to determine the safety of your properties at any given time, especially if you oversee multiple locations. Digital Access provides a great starting point for gaining a better overview of your properties. Here’s how:

Improved Monitoring of Property Access

Knowing who has entered and left a property throughout the day is invaluable information for you as a property manager. With legacy access systems, determining this would require hours of watching CCTV footage and manually recording who accessed the property—a process that is time-consuming and unrealistic for most property managers.

With digital access solutions like Defigo, you get real-time access logs updated instantly. Whether using digital keys through cell phones or key fobs, you can track and download these logs within seconds—giving you a detailed, day-by-day view of your property’s security.

Greater Flexibility in Managing Property Access

Digital Access offers much greater flexibility when it comes to controlling who has access to your property. In the past, with legacy access systems and physical keys, gaining an accurate overview of who had access was nearly impossible. Tenants who moved out might have kept keys, or keys might have been misplaced or forgotten by construction workers. Keeping track of physical keys became a significant security issue.

Digital Access significantly improves security and the overall management of your property. With solutions like Defigo, tenants are granted access through the online platform, which only you, as the property manager, can control. Whether tenants use a cell phone or a key fob, access is granted by you, and it can be removed just as easily. This ensures that you always have a clear and indisputable understanding of who can access your property at any given moment. When tenants move out, you can rest assured that they will no longer have access.

Centralized Property Management

Digital Access also allows you to oversee all your properties from a single, centralized platform, providing the ultimate time saver. If you manage multiple properties, keeping a good overview of all of them can be challenging, especially when using legacy systems and when the properties are far apart.

With digital access, managing multiple properties becomes much simpler. Digital access solutions function effectively regardless of the number of properties you oversee. In one centralized online platform, you can view who has access to each property, add or remove tenants, and gain detailed insights about your properties, such as which doors are scheduled to remain open. Instead of driving to each property to check on these matters, you can monitor everything from one location, with updates in real-time.

Considering all these factors, Digital Access is a game-changer for property managers. With legacy access systems, property oversight is often vague, if not completely lacking. Digital access solutions provide you with the tools to maintain an in-depth overview of the safety and security of your entire property portfolio.

Ready to simplify your property management? Contact Umair today to see how Defigo can transform the way you oversee and secure your properties.

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